1971 >> August >> CD210 Postal Insulator  

CD210 Postal Insulator

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 1971, page 19


Dear Mr. Woodward:
Recently, when looking for insulators, I spotted a Postal saddle top, CD 210. When I retrieved it I found out that it had drip points. To the best of my knowledge, I have never heard of one like this or seen any listed. Would you please tell me if this makes the insulator worth more, or were there several made? Your answer would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you.
Gerald L. Osler 
62529 Poppy Road 
South Bend, Ind. 46614

In reply to Mr. Osler:

The saddle groove Postal insulators were made both with and without drip points. The ones with a smooth skirt are more plentiful, although the ones with drip points are not rare. I have seen them mixed about 50-50 on some Postal lines. Insofar as I know, the ones with drip points are Hemingray products, while the others are Brookfields, except on the West Coast where one will find this same style made by California Glass Works, but unmarked.

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